Serving proudly since 1873 as the beautiful Nebraska Panhandle's first newspaper

Local kids advance in free-throw contest

Six girls and five boys will advance to the district competition of the Knights of Columbus Free Throw Contest after winning the local #1861 Council Contest.

The local competition was held at Sidney Middle School last Sunday with a winner named at six different ages.

The girls’ winners included: Taylor Runge (9) of Potter, Jayden Shoemaker of Potter (10), Brynna Ross (11) of Sidney, Delanie Namuth (12) of Sidney, Meaghan Ross (13) of Sidney and Makenna Douglas (14) of Sidney.

The boys’ winners were: Jayce Namuth (9), Jaeden Dillehay (10), Trey Douglas (11), Sam Hashman (12) and Chris Plummer (13). All the male winners are from Sidney.


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