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Lukjan subdivision going to council

Lukjan reached an agreement in August with Agri-Plastics

A subdivision for the Lukjan Metal LLC facility on Greenwood Drive was approved by the Sidney Planning Commission Monday.

Dividing the property is among the steps necessary to bring another company to the Sidney facility. Robert Stefka, Commercial Investment Services of North Platte, which is representing Korda & Kelly, Lukjan’s ownership entity, explained the plan.

“What we’re asking to do is be able to subdivide that so we can market that property to another company in hopes we can probably bring someone here, as well,” Stefka said.

The original structure was built in 1980 and boasts an addition, separated by fire doors.

The space is more than Lukjan requires, Stefka said.

“The building was sufficient size for Lukjan Metal. In fact, it was much larger than frankly they needed,” he said. “It’s going to divide the building, I don’t want to say halfway, because there’s about a 15,000 to 20,000 square foot difference, but essentially it’s going to be along that line, where the fire doors are.”

Lukjan “reached an agreement” in August with Agri-Plastics, an Ontario-based plastics manufacturer, for the space, Herb Gibson, Lukjan midwest regional director, told the SunTelegraph.

No contracts had been signed, though.

The smaller space would be sold to a prospective company, with Lukjan retaining the larger space.

Gisbon said in August he also hopes to be able to find a company for unused call center space at the Greenwood facility.

Ben Dayton, zoning administrator, said the subdivision presents no problems.

“The way that’s zoned, there’s no building setbacks for that zone. It meets all those requirements,” he said. “It really works out great for these purposes.”

John Phillips, planning commission member, applauded Lukjan’s efforts.

“I think it’ll be a positive for the community, too, to bring in another employer,” he said.

The commission’s recommendation will go before the Sidney City Council for action at their regular meeting Tuesday.


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