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WNCC Recognizes Outstanding Students

Graduating from school or leaving a community isn't easy, but it does have opportunities.

Thursday afternoon, Todd Holcomb, president of the Western Nebraska Community College Sidney campus, shared a story of a student he met several years ago who was feeling depressed. He realized he would not be seeing some of his friends and favorite faculty after graduating.

"You're looking at it all wrong," Holcomb recalls telling the student. "Instead of looking at the things you're losing, look at what you're gaining."

He said change is ongoing; embrace it.

"Embrace the change that happens in your life on a daily basis," he said.

Staff at Western Nebraska Community College's Sidney campus celebrated student achievements in a ceremony held at the Aviation Technology Center April 19.

"The WNCC Sidney Campus faculty selects Outstanding Students of the Years for each academic division," said Erin Huddelston in the introduction of the ceremony Thursday. "As with all of the awards presented today, this is a challenging task as there are many students that deserve recognition."

Awards included the Sidney Campus Director Encourager Award, Dean of Students Student Organization of the Year, Vice-President of Student Services Student Leadership Award, VP of Administrative Services Non-Traditional Student Award, Executive VP of Education Services Award, Presidential Award and Board of Governors' Award.

The first award presented was to the Outstanding Aviation Student of the Year by Aviation Maintenance instructors Michael Mitchell and Jon Leever. Mitchell and Leever recognized Russell Kirlin as the Outstanding Aviation Student of the Year.

Next, Michael Hausmann presented the award to the Business Student of the Year.

"The Business Division Award is given to an outstanding graduating business student," said Hausmann. "While this student has primarily taken online courses to achieve his degree, he has still been dedicated and determined to pass his courses with excellence and perseverance. Whether he goes on to receive his bachelor's or goes straight into the workforce, this student will excel and go far."

The Business Student of the Year is Cory Phillips.

Kim Dale presented the award for the Outstanding Criminal Justice Student of the Year.

"Brad Brothers brings many strengths to WNCC as one of our outstanding students. He is a proud veteran who utilizes his experience to elevate class discussions. He contributes to our communities as a Cub Scout leader and advocates for animal rescue. The WNCC Criminal Justice Program is truly better because of Brad Brothers has been a part of it."

She remained at the podium for the next award, the Outstanding English and Language Arts Student .

"A number of students are qualified to receive recognition from the Division of Language Arts at the Sidney Campus. This recipient has taken both English Composition 1 and 2 via distance learning systems. Not only did this student excel in his classes but he showed that he truly cares and is dedicated to all the work that he does for his degree. It is my pleasure to recognize Jarod Luptak as the 2018 awardee from the Division of English and Language and Arts.

Peggy Wolff presented the award for the Outstanding Health Information Management Systems Student. She recognized Stacy Thomas as the Outstanding Health Information Management Systems Student.

William Spurgeon presented the award for the Outstanding Information Technology Student of the Year.

"George Taylor takes his education seriously. He is very engaged in course discussions, answering questions and seeing the applications of a concept. He has a can-do attitude and is excited about using and applying IT concepts to business problems. It is my privilege to present the Outstanding Information Technology Student award to George Taylor," Spurgeon said.

Andrew Lensen presented the Outstanding Math Student of the Year award to Theresa Barnhart.

Kelly Dean presented the awards for Outstanding Associate Degree in Nursing and Licensed Practical Nursing Student awards.

"It is with honor that I recognize outstanding students here today," Dean said. "It takes a lot to be a nursing student. We put a new meaning to the phrase 'blood, seat and tears.' When a student takes extra time to ensure positive outcomes, people notice. When a student notices a drug interaction or missing diagnostic test and intervenes accordingly, people notice. When a student finds ways to enhance the learning experience for others, people notice. During a recent clinical experience shared with RN and PN (Practical Nursing) students, this student included the PN students in a patient's care and shared extremely valuable information and assessment skills," she said. "All of these actions are regularly displayed by Ashley Dorcey."

The Licensed Practical Nursing Student Award was presented to LeAndrew Stewart for never tiring of the question "Why".

"If we know why we are doing what we are doing, life makes more sense. If we just do what we do because we have always done it this way, then outcomes don't change and life gets boring," Dean said.

She said instructors often say there is no such thing as a dumb question, adding that Stewart's inquisitive nature challenged all of his instructors.

"Better yet, it has enhanced the classroom and clinical learning experiences and promoted inquire-based practice," she said. "Every patient he cares for will be grateful for his attention to detail, his constant search for rationale, and his accuracy."

She also said his positive attitude is contagious and his laughter lights up any room he enters.

Campus Director Paula Abbott presented the award for Outstanding Science Student of the Year on behalf of William Hanson. Abbott said Kaylee Deal has been chosen for the award. She is recognized as a student student in Hanson's Microbiology, Anatomy and Physiology courses. She is known for excelling at everything she does, including her exams, practicals and oral presentations, and for helping other students.

The Sidney campus staff also recognized non-department awards including the Sidney Campus Director Encourager Award. This award was created to recognize students who often go unnoticed, the individuals who are quiet, behind-the-scenes encouragers. This student is known for always being present to help and make sure other students are getting the lesson.

"When one of his classmates has a question, he does his best to help and explain in ways that are understandable. Students have even made the comment, 'If he was a teacher, he would be a good one,'" Abbott said.

This year's Sidney Campus Director Encourager Award goes to Tanner Speidel.

Vice President of Student Services Nina Grant presented the Dean of Students Student Organization award to the Student Senate. The Student Senate is recognized as one of the strongest organizations on campus. Its members are dedicated to crating activities and opportunities for students to get involved on campus, and are involved in community activities as well.

Grant also presented the Vice President of Student Services Student Leadership Award. The award is given to an outstanding student leader on campus, according to Grant. She said a leader is someone who knows the way, goes the way and shows the way.

"Brandi Thompson has done just this. She has not only been influential on her classmates in the RN program, but also for the PN students and for many prospective nursing students," she said.

She said Thompson has been involved in organizing a meal, planning study sessions, encouraging classmates, providing care in clinicals or completing a group task, Thompson takes the lead.

Bill Knapper presented the Vice-President of Administrative Services Non-Traditional Student of the Year award.

"This award is given to the outstanding non-traditional student is over 25 and has excelled in academics and has been an active participant in campus life," Knapper said. "This embodies an important mission of WNCC, to provide further educational opportunities to our working adults. Natosha White, a non-traditional student in the PN program, has done just this. She has has also persevered when it wasn't always easy, and has been an inspiration for those around her."

Kim Dale returned to podium, presenting the Executive Vice President of Educational Services Award. This award is for students who demonstrate perseverance and has exemplified the qualities of excellence in academics, leadership and service to the college and community, she said.

This year's recipient is Ashley Jarreau.

The presidential Award is presented to an outstanding student who best exemplifies the qualities of excellence in academics, leadership and service to the college and community, said college president Todd Holcomb.

"The student chosen has maintained very high grades throughout her time here at WNCC. This student is always willing to come up with new ways to help each organization and encourage participation on campus," Holcomb said. "It is my honor to present this award to Kristonna Kramer.

The Board of Governors' Award is the highest award conferred by the college. It is presented to the graduate who best exemplifies the qualities of excellence in academics, leadership and service to the college and the community.

"It is with great pleasure I present the Board of Governors' Award to Theresa Barnhart," said Holcomb.

The ceremony closed with recognition of Michael Hausmann. Hausmann has been teaching at WNCC since it was Western Nebraska Technical College, about 34 years. He was commended for his length of service, number of subjects taught, the number of students influenced and the kindness shown.


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