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The Sound of Joy

Have you ever noticed how once March rolls around, we begin to look for signs of Spring? Even though we know we probably will have more snow storms ahead, we are ready for warmer weather.

The beautiful weather this last weekend made Spring even more of a reality, reminding us that the official day of the beginning of Spring is just around the corner. However, I am afraid another snow storm is, also.

I always watch my flower bed and when I see my daffodils poking their little heads out of the soil, I know that God is in his heaven and Spring is on the way. Song of Solomon 2:12 tells us, “The flowers appear on the earth, the time of singing has come, and the voice of the turtledove is heard in our land.”

Another sign of Spring is the first sighting of the first robin. Everybody seems to get excited about that!

However, my family has another bird that they hold close to their hearts. This particular bird has a clear two-note whistle that drops in pitch. It seems to arrive during the Lenten season and it has such a joyful two-note whistle that just lifts your spirit. It seems to be saying “He’s risen”! That is why my family calls it the “risen bird”. To the best of my knowledge, its real name is Black Capped Chickadee. It seems to be sent to remind us that not only is Spring on the way, but so is the celebration of our risen Lord. I hope when and if you hear it sing this Spring , you will also be reminded of Spring and the resurrection of our Lord.

God can use the smallest of his creation to bring us a message of hope, peace and joy! Sometimes we call those “God Winks”.

As we walk thoughtfully through these last few weeks of Lent and probably shovel through another snow storm of life, let us remember that God provides the seasons. Spring is coming with the Easter joy of celebrating the resurrection of our Lord and Saviour. On that glorious day let us join the “risen bird” in a song of praise as we declare, “He is risen!”

Holy Trinity Lutheran Church

Jan Knicely Associate in Ministry, emeritus


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