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Delta Dawn When the Light Comes On: Week One

"That we no longer be children, tossed to and fro with every wind of doctrine, but speaking the truth in love may grow up into Him Who is the head of the whole Body, Christ (Messiah) Jesus." Ephesians 4:14-16 Christians are reborn, from fear of torment, by Holy Spirit power to love as God loves, by self-mastery, which is Jesus Messiah, saying what Father says and doing what Father does! Jesus is our Pattern for victory, Example to imitate and Sample for tasting and seeing that the Lord is good -- and satan is a bad devil.

Children are born with two fears: falling backward and loud noises. Polls show over 7000 phobias exist in people, today. Some are taught to fear insects, animals, weather or other imaginable catastrophes. About age 15 I made a decision to overcome tormenting fear because the Bible said to. Isaiah 54:4 & 14: "Do not fear! You shall not be ashamed; nor be disgraced, for in righteousness you shall be established (because Jesus paid the price for you on the cross)".

A Bible example is Joseph, Jacob's son. Genesis 37, 39-48. No matter the adverse circumstances created by his brothers selling him into slavery, or the owner who sent him to jail, he prospered wherever he was placed, because he held to the dream God had given him as ruler of the known world. This came to pass when he became second in command by order of the King of Egypt.

Sages say there are 7 levels of meanings to every Scripture. Getting to the 'sod' of "Jesus wept" often takes decades of study to bring living levels of Bible truth to light. Similarly, when gemologists train young jewelers to recognize genuine gems, they do not show them 'paste' or imitations. They only show them the splendors of the true; the several facets which catch the light and show the depth of color. With this information, jewelers are rarely deceived by a counterfeit. Truth of the Word of God is often called 'a pearl' because pearls are living gems made up of layers and layers of resistance to an intrusive grain of sand. 

"The Kingdom of Heaven is like a merchant seeking beautiful pearls and when he had found one pearl of great price, he sold all that he had and bought it." Matthew 13:45,46. The 'born again' experience sends Christians seeking pearls of wisdom and truth. Giant pearls act as gates into Heaven! Revelation 21:21

Truth doesn't just whitewash a lie. It presents God as a shield against torment by providing an armor of correction, direction, protection and perfection (maturity). Jesus made this possible by His sacrifice on the Cross. Psalm 138:8 "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge and wisdom." Proverbs 1 reveals the word, 'fear', here, means "honor, reverence, respect and exaltation; rooted and grounded in Love". 

"The Holy Spirit is quick as a two-edged sword dividing the thoughts (soul) and intent of the heart (spirit)." This is 'anointing' in Jude. It's in you. Believer! 

Next Week: Well Oiled


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