Serving proudly since 1873 as the beautiful Nebraska Panhandle's first newspaper

Letter to the Editor: Cheyenne County Fair

Dear Editor,

Having lived in Cheyenne County for over 30 years, I know dozens of reasons why it is a great place to live. One of those reasons was a blessing to me last Friday night at the Demolition Derby: honesty. I don’t know whom the people were who found and turned in my little card carrier to the authorities, but my sincere gratitude goes out to them. Unbeknownst to me, it had come out of my pocket and had fallen through the stands to the ground below. It is great to know that a child, and later another young person and adult took the time to find a way to reunite me with all these important cards by turning them in to the authorities!

A few years ago, our family was victim to a robbery at the fair, but I believe that Friday’s actions are more representative of the type of people who live in this county. It’s a great place to live!

Once again, thank you, whoever you are, for being honest!!


Cindi Egging



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