Serving proudly since 1873 as the beautiful Nebraska Panhandle's first newspaper

Letter To The Editor - Reader: Liar, liar, pants on fire

Dear Editor,

The president waxed long and evasive Tuesday night in his annual address. The topics ranged from distortions to downright lies over more than an hour.

Here is a man who has spent over $3 million to keep his records at colleges and others from being released and whose birthday record, which was released after much procrastination, was a phony, altered on a computer, which of course was not in existence at the time of his birth.

He stated that the nation’s economy was in good shape and improving when he has presided over the greatest deficit the world has ever known. He takes credit...


Reader Comments(1)

WeThePeople writes: Before President Obama, there was already a HUGE deficit. Here is another: and another Just a few facts to pad your opinion :) I love that, in our free country, you are able to state such opinions on public forum :) May light and happiness bless you

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