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Use Your Fear

Call to mind the parable Jesus told about a wealthy man who gave three of his servants a sum of money, a “talent,” and then left on a trip, expecting the servants to do something with the money. 

When he got back, he had them come to him for a report.  He told the five-talent and the two-talent servants, “Well done, good and faithful servant!”  But when he got to the one-talent servant – he used words like “wicked” and “lazy” and “good for nothing.”  He was angry with the servant who didn’t even try, and the consequences were pretty rough!  I think the same could be said for us today – the consequences of not using what you’ve been given are dire indeed.  God has entrusted you with a gift – maybe more than one – and He expects a good return come audit time! 

Let’s look at the third servant – the one who didn’t do anything with what he’d been given.  Why is that?  It’s because the man was afraid of his master – he was crippled by fear.  He was so afraid of doin’ the wrong thing – he did nothing.  The man was probably capable under supervision, but, when left alone, he couldn’t handle it.

There’s a story about a young woman heading off to college.  She couldn’t take her plants and goldfish, so she left them home for her mom to take care of.  A few weeks went by and mom called.  She explained how some of us have a green-thumb, and others don’t.  All the plants were dead – she was very sorry.  A couple weeks later, the girl called home and asked how things were going.  Her mother hesitantly told her she’d also succeeded in killing the girls’ goldfish – again, she was very sorry.  There was a long pause on the line and finally, in a fearful voice, the girl asked, “So…how’s dad?”  

At some level, the girl thought her mother could handle takin’ care of the plants and the fish, but when left alone, she didn’t do so well!  Sometimes things don’t go as planned, but you can’t be afraid to at least try!  You can’t let fear cripple you – instead, let fear motivate you!  I have a friend who went to deliver a lawn mower at a customer’s house.  As he went thru the front gate and knocked on the front door, a huge dog came running around the house!  I said, “Good grief, Dale!  Did you run as fast as you could?”  And he said, “No, I ran as fast as I had to!”  Fear was a great motivator for him – so I’m tellin’ you – it’s better to try instead of sitting by and not doin’ anything!  We are NOT called to be successful – we are called to be faithful! 


Pastor Corey Jenkins

Sidney 1st United Methodist Church


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