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Sidney Parks Department Spruces Up City with Annual Alley Tree and Shrub Trimming

NOTICE: On Tuesday, January 17, 2023, weather and schedules permitting, the City of Sidney Parks Department will begin trimming trees and bushes in the city alleys.

Under City Ordinance 1034.06 Care, Trimming, and Removal of Street or Park Trees, Authority of Utility Companies, Plantings by Residents, Permits: “(a) The city may plant, prune, maintain and remove street or park trees, within the rights-of-way of streets, alleys, avenues, lanes, squares or other public ways or grounds, as may be necessary to ensure public safety.”

Alleys are trimmed back each year by the City for the safety of staff and equipment.

PREPARATION: Property owners desiring to trim their own alley trees and bushes must do so to City standards. These include:

1. Alley rights-of-way must be trimmed back to the City easement line defined by the property fence or if no fence, back behind the utility poles, boxes or meters.

2. Tree branches over 1 inch in diameter must be trimmed back to the branch collar at the trunk, or a larger branch.

3. Tree branches must allow a clearance of 15 feet above the alley-way.

4. Trimming must be completed prior to January 16, 2023.

Please note: If trimming is not done to City standards, staff will do additional pruning back to the City easement line. Property owners must contact the Park Department to let staff know they intend to do their own trimming.

CAUTION: The Parks Department will typically work between the hours of 7:30 am – 3:30 pm, as weather and schedules permit. If obstacles, property, equipment, vehicles, or trailers are blocking the right-of-way or are within the drop zone of our trimming efforts, we will try to make contact with the owner once. If staff gets no response from home owner we will turn over contact to the City Police Department and Code Enforcement officials. City staff will return to complete trimming in that area, as weather and schedules allow, but this may be after the February 11th desired finish date.

APPRECIATION: The Parks Department & City would like to Thank You for your cooperation during this temporary inconvenience. If you would like more information please contact the Parks Department at (308)-254-3307, or the City Office at (308) 254-5300.


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