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Facing Fear

Franklin Roosevelt said, “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.”

Someone else once said, “The opposite of faith isn’t doubt – the opposite of faith is fear.”

It’s true – fear can limit us – defeat us – stop us cold – cause us to fail – paralyze us: it causes us to shrink back from our goals, keeps us unhappy and alone, makes us unable to cope with changing reality, stifles relationships, stops us from succeeding at work, school or sports, blinds us to possibilities and options, restricts us to safe, sterile, empty lives, and produces sleepless nights spent worrying about tomorrow.

That’s what fear can and does do to us. So, how can we overcome our fear? Faithful obedience! When the disciples in the boat saw Jesus walkin’ on the raging seas towards them, they were already afraid for their lives! Sometimes when we think of Jesus walkin’ on the water we have this mental picture of a flat-calm lake without a white-cap in sight. But the reality was entirely different – this was a raging storm!

These seasoned fishermen were in the midst of crashing waves – high winds – torrential down-pour of rain – you name it! The noise musta been incredible – waves crashing against the boat, sails snappin’ and poppin’ in the wind, and the sound of the rain and the storm itself howlin’ all around ‘em! It musta been awful for these men to be afraid for their lives, and to top it off, they thought they were seein’ a ghost, too!

But it was Jesus, and He said to them, “It’s alright! I’m here! Don’t be afraid!”

Now, get this – Jesus TALKED to them! He didn’t yell – He didn’t try to scream over the storm – He calmly said to them, “It’s alright! I’m here! Don’t be afraid!” Can you get this new picture in your head of Jesus simply walkin’ up to the side of the boat, surrounded by absolute calm?

Look again at Peter, huddled there in that boat with the rest of the disciples. You know, I think what Jesus might have loved most about Peter wasn’t his honesty or his strength – both of them had gotten him in trouble before. No, what I think Jesus might have loved most about Peter was his absolute, unbridled, unchecked boldness and willingness to follow. I want you to notice this as well: Peter didn’t just jump overboard and start swimming towards Jesus. Instead, he said, “Jesus, tell me what to do!”

You see – we overcome our fear by faithful obedience! Peter was terrified – just like the rest of ‘em – but he trusted Jesus enough to do two things: call out to Jesus for help AND then do what Jesus said to do! Peter said, “Jesus, tell me what to do! If that’s really You, tell me to come to you on the water!”

And Jesus said, “Yes, it’s Me – come on, the water’s fine!” [PCV – Pastor Corey Version]

Pastor Corey Jenkins

Sidney 1st United Methodist Church


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