Serving proudly since 1873 as the beautiful Nebraska Panhandle's first newspaper
Sorted by date Results 1 - 25 of 1747
The federal government has a fundamental responsibility to secure our borders. President Biden utterly failed to do that. Criminal illegal aliens have been allowed to enter and roam our country. Americans like Laken Riley died as a result. This week, I voted to advance legislation I co-lead to hold criminal illegal aliens accountable. I'm going to keep fighting until we secure our border. President Biden's open border policies created a national security, humanitarian, and drug catastrophe. CBP...
Pull on a loose thread dangling from a carpet and the entire carpet can unravel. Some seemingly small things in life can have the same effect. Left untended they can lead to much greater consequences than imagined. Human tendency is to ignore small things in order to give our attention to larger issues that have already reached the crisis stage. These emergency situations scream for attention. The minor ones, the loose threads, fall by the wayside. Since they carry no immediate consequences, we...
Recognizable quotes on the ancient Romans: "When in Rome, do as the Romans do." "All roads lead to Rome." "Rome was not built in a day." Caesar Augustus boasted, "I found Rome a city of brick and left it a city of marble." The poet Virgil observed, "So vast a toil it was to found the State of Rome." In ancient times, the city of Rome astonished everyone. The Pantheon, the Colosseum, the Circus Maximus, the Forum, the Temple of Vespasian, the Palace of the Caesars on the Palatine, the tens of...
'To the victor goes the spoils'. 'Victor' is a word that denotes God's Character. "Before honor is humility." Proverbs 15:33 First recorded in Genesis 12. Abram is greeted by Melchizedek with wine and bread – communion. Abram gives tithes of all. Notice! he doesn't accept anything from the rogue king lest that king say he had made Abram rich. 'Robin Hood' stories begin! Samuel, the prophet, became morose because Israel's first king, Saul, had failed to honor God - or Samuel. God sent him to a...
I'm humbled and honored to have the opportunity to continue serving Nebraskans in the U.S. Senate. President Trump's re-election, along with Republican majorities in Congress, provides a great opportunity to get our country back on track. We must deliver results for Nebraskans. This Congress, I'll continue to fight to make government work better. I will also work to keep Americans safe and support Nebraska agriculture. I'm looking forward to working with President-elect Trump to make government...
Peter and Jean have two kids and live in a modest suburban neighborhood. The children are in grade school and both Peter and Jean work. Like most Americans, they have a very comfortable life. Also like many people, Peter and Jean are concerned about the impression they make on others. Peter and Jean feel as if they are in competition with their friends and neighbors. From the cars they buy to the activities their children are involved in, Peter and Jean are constantly concerned with how they...
It feels like 2013 again. Back then, a beleaguered Republican Speaker of the House was forced into a government shutdown by firebrands in his caucus who considered him insufficiently pure. A revolution in GOP politics has happened since, and yet a beleaguered Republican Speaker of the House has been forced to the verge of a government shutdown by firebrands in his caucus who consider him insufficiently pure. The difference is that Mike Johnson -- unlike his predecessor, John Boehner -- isn't...
"When two or three are gathered in My Name, I am in their midst [to carry out what was requested in My Name]." Matthew 18:19. Now is not the time to lay down our armor and spiritual readiness to keep our nation on the road back to freedom! It will take diligent prayer and vigilance to stand guard, occupying the moral and ethical territory the Lord just gave us! Rebuilding starts at the church which roars from the very inner being of every child of God. Nehemiah knew what the walls of Jerusalen...
One of my last official duties as a Nebraska State Senator was to attend a hearing on TIF financing and workforce housing last week at the State Capitol in Lincoln. As a result of that hearing, I am convinced more than ever that TIF is a bad experiment in social engineering and makes property owners pay more in property taxes than they ought to have to pay. If the Legislature ever ended TIF, it would result in lower property taxes for everyone. Tax Increment Financing (TIF) is a popular way for...
Merry Christmas friends and neighbors. I want to share some thoughts with you on current events and respond to a recent editorial that appeared on this editorial page. 77 million Americans voted for Donald Trump to be the President of the United States. That alone does not elect Presidents. The candidate that gets the most votes in November determines which political party sends its Presidential Electors to the state capitol in December to cast the states' Electoral Votes. In Nebraska and Maine, each congressional district has its own...
Jane Goodall turned 90 years old last April. In the late 1950's, Jane-then an English girl in her twenties-dared to travel to Africa. Jane arrived at Gombe on July 14, 1960, with her mother, who acted as Jane's chaperone. On December 22, 1965, a Wednesday, "National Geographic" ran a televised documentary on Jane's work over the previous five years, entitled, "Miss Goodall and the Wild Chimpanzees." I watched that special on my grandparents' black and white television. Jane began, "Louis Leakey...
"Where the word of the King is, there is power." Ecclesiasts 8:4 We the People attended the right rally. Jesus IS King! The most historical political event of the people by the people for the people since the Declaration of Independence has just happened! Let us wonder no longer! Let us fight to take this promised land, the United States of America back to her covenant with God, declared by our first President, George Washington, and his Congress while still in session, on the day of his inaugur...
The Christmas season is one of joy, peace, and reflection. As we gather with family and friends, we celebrate the many blessings in our lives. We decorate our homes with festive lights. We share meals with loved ones. We embrace the traditions that make this time of year so special. Christmas is also an opportunity to reflect on the true meaning of the season and the values that unite us: faith, family, and fellowship. For my family, Christmas is about marking the birth of Jesus Christ, the Son...
Some are skeptical as to the power of positive thinking. People have told me they tried "that positive thinking stuff" and it didn't work. They are convinced the concept is a lot of hype with very little substance. In talking to many people over the years, I have found a common belief held by those who reject that thinking patterns have an impact on their lives. These individuals doubt the significance of their thoughts. They are frustrated, feeling they don't have much control over their life....
As the year ends, families and friends will reunite across our state to celebrate the holiday season. One of my favorite things about Christmas is that each person, family, and community has its own special traditions. No matter where you find yourself in Nebraska this season, I encourage you to share in one of our many unique celebrations. Under the bright stars over North Platte rests a grand white house, trimmed in green and dressed in shining Christmas lights. While carolers sing, guests are...
"Blessed is that steward whom his Master will find being faithful and wise when He comes. Truly I say that He will make him ruler over all that He has." Luke 12: 42. 44 "He who is faithful in little will be faithful in much. Being faithful in what is another man's will reward you with true riches." Luke 16:10,12 I would like to use this space, today, to thank you for faithfully reading this column. It is, truly, a Fun Wonderful Thing! I cannot calculate how many anointed workers put this...
My heart is heavy with sadness as I drove out of our little Christian town of Sidney Nebraska. As you all have noticed by now, we have a large sign that says if you want to kill your tiny human being we will help you. Sidney is a wonderful place to raise a family, go to church, get a job. And yet we have a sign that says we will help you kill your pre-born baby, a baby totally separate from its mother. We are her mothers (sic) not to help you and your baby, but to end the life of your baby. We all were once at that stage of life and our mothers...
Dear Editor, The Caregiver Tax Credit Act was passed during the 2024 Nebraska legislative session and will take effect on January 1, 2025. This groundbreaking legislation makes Nebraska only the second state in the nation to adopt an expansive tax credit to support unpaid family caregivers, a step that will have a meaningful impact on countless families in our state. Nearly 36,000 Nebraskans aged 65 and older are currently living with Alzheimer’s disease. These individuals are supported by more than 40,000 unpaid family caregivers, who provide...
Each day you are exposed to stress inducing events and people. There are both minor and major situations you have to deal with. What causes stress is very different for every person. You can't judge how you should react to stress by looking at how others handle it. Regardless of the source of stress, there are techniques for reducing your stress level. All of the following are simple and easy to implement. To be effective, they must be consistently applied. Stress won't go away by ignoring it....
The fire began at 6:30 p.m., Paris local time, on Monday, April 15, 2019. An hour later, people, who watched from a distance, stared in horror as the top portion of the 300 foot spire broke off and crashed down through the cathedral's roof. Some 400 firefighters, working from the inside, extinguished the last of the flames by 3:40 a.m., on Tuesday, by pointing low-pressure water hoses at the flames, to minimize damage to the contents, pulling thousands of gallons of water from the Seine River...
"Unto us a Son is given! He shall be called Wonderful, Counselor, Prince of Peace. a gift to Men." Isaiah 9:6,7 God's pattern awakens the people (shepherds), who awaken the Church (Simion). Then Anna awakens the government. Luke 2 Jewish and Gregorian calendars have come together. Hannukah and Christmas fall on the same day. The first book of Maccabees (see the Apocrypha) reports the days when the temple was destroyed by Syria. Jewish priests had refused to offer hogs on their sacred altar....
The Biden-Harris Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is broken. Delusional and expensive regulations caused prices to rise for families and businesses. EPA bureaucrats wasted millions of taxpayer dollars with grants to far-left partisan organizations. They issued mandates that limited choice and hindered American innovation. They disregarded a Supreme Court ruling in an illegal attempt to increase their power. They stonewalled Senators and kept important information from the American people. T...
You've heard the saying, "Everyone has their price." This refers to the tendency of people to compromise or abandon their ethics for the right price. The person who is willing to travel this route doesn't really have ethics. True ethics are not for sale. An individual who is willing to alter his or her beliefs for great enough remuneration never had principles at all. Someone who has firm convictions will not be influenced by any price. Yet people from all cross sections of society do have a pri...
It Depends. In colonial America you were an Englishman, or you were not. The common plea was that an Englishman was an Englishman no matter where he stood in the world. The colonists increasingly took this to mean that they were equal in status and right to any other English subject. British people of the upper classes viewed this idea with some distaste and were often offended when approached with familiarity by an American. (Sounds like some of our elected officials and other classes in presen...
Romans 8:31 "So what can we say to all these things? If God be for us, who can be against us?" MGM's Glinda, the Good Witch, instructs Dorothy (you and me as gifts of God), that Father knows best and supplies all that is needed. He prefers 'living stones'; no two alike, as strong building material. Bricks represent uniformity and permanence. Background, upbringing and experiences mold our character. Do we follow money (mammon) as o savior, or not? The choice is, ALWAYS, ours. Ruby slippers...