Serving proudly since 1873 as the beautiful Nebraska Panhandle's first newspaper


Sorted by date  Results 1 - 25 of 1695

  • Don't Destroy the Senate, Kamala Harris

    Pete Ricketts, U.S. Senator Nebraska|Oct 17, 2024

    Vice President Kamala Harris has shown us repeatedly that she's willing to abandon her alleged principles to make her radical agenda more appealing to the American people. It's misleading and dishonest. Recently, she shared that the latest principle she's willing to abandon is the U.S. Senate filibuster. By doing so, she would be burning down an American institution to force her radical policies through Congress. It's a slap in the face to tens of millions of common-sense Americans who will...

  • What If Nothing Works?

    Bryan Golden, American Writer and Columnist|Oct 17, 2024

    As a reader of this column, you are striving to improve your life. You want to attain your goals and bring your dreams into reality. You want to break through your self-imposed limitations. So you follow all of the advice in this column. But you think nothing is working. You are doing all the right things. Your attitude is positive. You are motivated. You have specific goals and a plan to reach them. You are taking action. Yet, still you feel as if you are not making the progress you had hoped...

  • The Blame Game

    Mike Sunderland, Columnist|Oct 17, 2024

    I've been a game player for more decades than I care to think about. I've played several different card games, a couple dozen different board games including checkers, Monopoly and chess. I've played games with marbles and became relatively good at them. In various boxes and cabinets in my house I have games that can be played by the little ones and others I can play with their parents. And in spite of my age I can also play games on a computer . . . mostly war games with other guys and gals on...

  • Delta Dawn When the Light Comes On: Week 42

    Ivy Joy Johnson, The Joy Mission|Oct 17, 2024

    Today begins Sukkot. Malachi 1:2 "'I have loved you', says the Lord. 'Yes, I have loved Jacob.'" God so loves His people that He just wants to be among us. Father so arranged the fall feasts filled with figs for their healing power, olives for oil to anoint with joy and wine, blood of grapes, that we might be merry and enter rest. "For the Lord of Hosts has purposed. His hand is stretched out and who can turn it back?" Isaiah 14:27. God used a merciless murderer, Herod, who, when he found...

  • Standing With Israel

    Pete Ricketts, U.S. Senator Nebraska|Oct 10, 2024

    This week marks one year since Hamas terrorists unleashed a barbaric, unprovoked attack against Israel. We must not forget the atrocities committed on October 7th, 2023. Hamas terrorists raped women and kidnapped over 200 people. 1,195 innocents were brutally murdered, including 40 American citizens. One year later, nearly 100 hostages have yet to be returned. This includes seven Americans. Some of these hostages have likely already been murdered as well. We must stand with Israel as it confront...

  • You Don't Need a Reason to be Happy

    Bryan Golden, American Writer and Columnist|Oct 10, 2024

    Happiness isn't a reaction; it is a cause. People who wait for specific circumstances to materialize before they are happy are putting the cart before the horse. People who are happy attract positive situations. Those who walk around with a scowl are a magnet for the very things they are unhappy about. You don't need a reason to be happy. Being happy is a lot more enjoyable than being miserable. Since feeling crummy isn't pleasant, and it doesn't make your situation better, why not be happy...

  • Allen Guelzo's "Our Ancient Faith," Continued

    William H. Benson, Columnist|Oct 10, 2024

    Two weeks ago in these pages, I discussed Allen Guelzo's recent book, published on February 6, 2024, entitled, "Our Ancient Faith: Lincoln, Democracy, and the American Experiment." In it, the Civil War historian, Allen Guelzo, wrote a series of enlightening essays on his impressions of Lincoln's thoughts on democracy and the President's other astonishing attributes. In an interview at a bookstore for a book signing months ago, the interviewer, Scott LaMar, asked Professor Guelzo, two questions....

  • Delta Dawn When the Light Comes On: Week 41

    Ivy Joy Johnson, The Joy Mission|Oct 10, 2024

    Somewhere a fable is written about a mouse and a frog who fall into a deep can of cream. Mr. Mouse thinks he has landed in heaven and begins to take in as much cream as he can swallow. Mr. Frog does not like cream! He begins kicking. At morning's light, Mr. Mouse, overindulged, has died but Mr. Frog is sitting on a pat of butter. Because Father God wanted a family, He created Adult Parents to raise their immature children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord, bringing them from foolishness...

  • Combatting the Chinese Communist Party

    Pete Ricketts, U.S. Senator Nebraska|Oct 3, 2024

    The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is the greatest foreign threat facing the United States today. They steal our intellectual property. They pursue economic and trade policies that undermine our economy. They repeatedly violate American sovereignty with spy stations, spy balloons, and other forms of espionage. They fuel the fentanyl crisis which continues to kill in Nebraska and across the country. CCP dictator Xi Jinping has said he wants to be the global dominating power by 2049. That means...

  • My Dad the Hobo

    Mike Motz, Columnist|Oct 3, 2024

    The stories I could tell about my father would easily fill the pages of a War and Peace sized novel. I'll relate one true story that illustrates one of his hallmark characteristics: his sense of humor. Born Calvin Kenneth Sunderland on January 18, 1925, at Watonga, Oklahoma, the first of 6 children born to the union of Utha and Orville Sunderland. He early exhibited this particular trait. Despite his many talents and abilities, dad never took himself too seriously. He was as apt to tell funny...

  • S.N.I.O.P.

    Bryan Golden, American Writer and Columnist|Oct 3, 2024

    Are you a S.N.I.O.P.? A S.N.I.O.P. is a person who is susceptible to the negative influences of other people. This is a common syndrome. We all desire approval from others. Everyone has grown up being conditioned to be concerned about what others think. Many people tend to be negative, finding problems rather than solutions. So, it's to be expected that the influence of other people is mostly negative. It's only when you pay attention to these negative people that a problem arises. When you pay...

  • Delta Dawn When the Light Comes On: Week 40

    Ivy Joy Johnson, The Joy Mission|Oct 3, 2024

    “Let everyone who loves the Lord praise His Name!” Psalm 150 Today is Rosh HaShanah (Hebrew ‘Head of the Year’). My favorite time of year for the colors and the shouts of joy! The autumn season seems to invigorate one with mysterious energy for Homecoming, football and volleyball contests, celebrations of the winners and joy in the harvests at every Oktober Fest. In Isarel, the new year flows into ten days of awe to remind of being brought out of slavery in Egypt. Now, the people create,...

  • On Election Security

    Steve Erdman, State Senator, 47th District|Sep 26, 2024

    Last Thursday an Interim Study was conducted at the Capitol in Lincoln on LR357. According to Sen. Rick Holdcroft of Bellevue, the sponsor of the legislation, the purpose of the study was "to determine to what extent, if any, there is a necessity to bolster election security in the State of Nebraska." To be sure, Nebraskans need to have confidence that their elections are secure and that the vote counting process accurately reflects the will of the people. The two recent assassination attempts...

  • Leave Your Comfort Zone

    Bryan Golden, American Writer and Columnist|Sep 26, 2024

    Everyone enjoys being comfortable. Being safe, secure, and happy is a basic human desire. For the most part, we prefer the known to the unknown, the predictable to the unpredictable, and the risk-free to the risky. However, bringing goals to reality requires us to leave our comfort zone. This requirement is in direct conflict with our innate desire to remain safe. So, in order to realize your dreams, you must act in a manner contrary to normal preferences. A major deterrent to leaving your...

  • Allen Guelzo's "Our Ancient Faith"

    Bill Benson, Columnist|Sep 26, 2024

    When driving to destinations from home and back, I occupy my time by listening to YouTube videos of Civil War historians on my mobile phone. I am curious to hear their ideas and stories. The best crop of Civil War historians today, in my estimation, include: Eric Foner at Columbia, Gary Gallagher at the University of Virginia, David Blight at Yale, and Allen Guelzo now at Princeton, but formerly at Gettysburg College. Each has a collection of videos. Plus, each possesses that innate ability to...

  • Delta Dawn When the Light Comes On: Week 39

    Ivy Joy Johnson, The Joy Mission|Sep 26, 2024

    "God is good and His mercy endures forever." Psalm 136. This Psalm relates Israel's journey through centuries of time, holding fast to "His mercy endures forever." 'Mercy' in Hebrew is 'hesed' which means 'covenant'. Psalm 89:4 reminds "My covenant I will not break, nor alter the words of My mouth," That is, God can be trusted in every earthly circumstance. October 8, 2024 begins Isreal's civil New Year, 5785. During 5784 the theme was "Restore! Open Doors and Much More.". Now 5785 is a "Hey!"...

  • What If The Future...

    Mike Sunderland, Columnist|Sep 19, 2024

    Let us pretend for a moment that we can change the future. For instance, what if some one or more of us came up with an idea that stood a good chance of bettering our city's economy. What if we stopped being stuck in past ways of looking at things and took a chance on changing our perspective. What if we did that? I was looking through some some of the old newspapers I've collected over the years and found some that dated back to the days after I left the Navy. I spent my first year after...

  • There are No Shortcuts

    Bryan Golden, American Writer and Columnist|Sep 19, 2024

    When someone is successful, they are more visible than when they were struggling along their path to attain their goals. Few people draw much attention while they are confronting challenges and overcoming numerous obstacles. When a person has reached the top of the mountain and is standing on the summit, they are much more visible than when they were climbing up the side. We all desire success, however we define it. However, very few of us relish the time and effort required to bring our dreams...

  • The 2023 Tax Problem That Won't Go Away

    Steve Erdman, State Senator, 47th District|Sep 19, 2024

    This week I want to continue my explanation of LB 34 and what it means to you as a property tax payer. Three lawmakers, Sen. Steve Halloran (LD33), Sen. Justin Wayne (LD13), and myself did a press release last week, alerting members of the public to the fact that taxpayers will not be able to claim their property tax credit for their 2023 property taxes paid. That press release got the attention of the members of the Legislature's Revenue Committee and the Nebraska Department of Revenue, who...

  • Delta Dawn When the Light Comes On: Week 37

    Ivy Joy Johnson, The Joy Mission|Sep 19, 2024

    “Do not be deceived, God is not mocked. What you sow you shall reap”. Galatians 6:7 Often used in the negative, this verse illustrates Genesis 8;22 “While earth remains, seed, time, and harvest. Cold and heat, winter and summer, day and night shall not cease.” We take such natural events for granted but question how God can, or will, bring harvest from the spiritual into the present; here and now. Wheat growers are gearing up, today to get certified wheat seed into their best soil, believi...

  • Filing for 30% Tax Credit

    Steve Erdman, State Senator, 47th District|Sep 12, 2024

    As you may recall, I have written about the not-so-special legislative session in some of my recent articles. For the past week I have been researching the implementation of LB 34, the so-called property tax relief bill that was passed during the special session of the Legislature in August. As I have read and reread that legislation, it has become apparent to me that the legislature, including me, missed an important piece about how that bill would be implemented. The special session started...

  • Imperfection

    Bryan Golden, American Writer and Columnist|Sep 12, 2024

    No one is perfect. We all have our strengths and weaknesses. Those who are most successful, build on their strengths while striving to overcome their weaknesses. It's not unusual for a trait that initially appears to be a weakness to actually be a strength. I came across the following parable which nicely shows this point. Many years ago, a farmer had to get his household water from a nearby stream. To get as much water as possible from each trip, he used two large clay pots, each fastened...


    Bill Benson, Columnist|Sep 12, 2024

    Universities opened their doors a week or two ago. Freshman students moved into their dorm rooms, met their roommates, hung pictures on the walls, and completed their class schedules. Most students want to do well, even just ok, at college, but not everyone does. How well any student completes his or her mastery of course work at a college depends upon that student's preparation, his or her readiness, his or her skill at reading and writing, plus his or her ambition, hustle, and drive. Yet, abov...

  • Delta Dawn When the Light Comes On: Week 37

    Ivy Joy Johnson, The Joy Mission|Sep 12, 2024

    "Ask and you shall receive. Seek and you shall find. Knock and doors will be opened unto you." Matthew 7:7. This verse is full of 'double dog dares'. Dare we ask for truth in campaign issues? Dare we search out voting records and lifestyles of candidates? Dare we knock on doors inviting friends and neighbors to vote? Benjamin Franklin, aged 81, wept after signing the Constitution. "We have given you a [Constitutional] Republic, if you can (dare) keep it." Do we dare? September 17 is...

  • Letter to the Editor

    Sep 12, 2024

    Dear Editor, Nebraska will be going from the frying pan into the fire if legal medical marijuana is passed into law. In my state of Colorado, which passed “medical” marijuana in 2000, the scant income from the sale of cannabis is dwarfed by the increased costs of automobile accidents, driving under the influence, addiction treatment, educational problems, increased domestic and street violence, as well as a lowered perception of harm by teens. If legalized, weed will immediately become more accessible to teens. Suicide is now the #1 cause of...

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