Serving proudly since 1873 as the beautiful Nebraska Panhandle's first newspaper

Public Records

January 7

12:57 am, Disturbance, Days Inn, 3000 block Silverberg Dr.

3:36 am, Medical Call Cheyenne Co Sheriff’s, 10th Ave.

7:43 am, Traffic Stop, 18th Ave. & King St.

9:21 am, Animal Call, 100 block Elm St.

10:35 am, Animal Call, 1000 block Pine St.

11:28 am, Fraud, Sidney Police Dept., 1700 block Illinois St.

12:09 pm, Civil Standby-Keep the Peace, 600 block Charlotte Dr.

12:50 pm, Medical Call,SRMC, 1000 block Pole Creek Crossing

4:06 pm, Suspicious Activity, Git’N Split North, 1100 block Illinois St.

5:04 pm, Parking Complaint, 13th Ave. & Elm St.

7:44 pm, Agency Assist, Sidney Police Dept...


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