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Animal Farm in Comparison

In an earlier article I used George Orwell’s novel “1984” as the basis of my thought process.

Two years before George Orwell wrote “1984” (in 1945) he wrote a novella entitled “Animal Farm.” “Animal Farm” was an allegory of the Russian Revolution of 1917. At that time, a power- hungry Tsar ruled over the Bolshevik people of Russia, making their lives miserable.

The Bolsheviks revolted against his tyranny. Some have claimed that the moral of this novella was: “power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely.” Or to put it in simpler English: the more power one seeks the more corrupt one becomes. Or in other words, those who seek and obtain absolute power become absolutely corrupt.

How many of us really want to be known for being absolutely corrupt? Power, fame and fortune often come with terrible side effects; they are, to name a few: corruption, unpopular, undesirable and hated by others.

Those who seek power and fame often isolate themselves from others, thinking they are better, smarter, and more powerful than everyone else. They don’t want others telling them what to do but they want to tell others what to do.

The golden rule that all of us need to adopt is: “do unto others as you would want them to do unto you.” Did you hear that, Joe & Nancy? You tell us that you want what is best for America; while you support the criminal parts of society, you flood our borders and homeland with illegal aliens, and educate our children and grandchildren with all this gender garbage.

You are promoting your own power trips at the expense of the American people you claim to care about. The sad reality of the novella “Animal Farm” was that those who sought to bring down the power hungry tyrant, became themselves power hungry and just as much corrupt, if not more, than he was.

By the way, did you know that certain countries banned “Animal Farm” because it had talking animals which were considered offensive? Question: Why is it in modern advertisement that we can’t sell anything without animated and talking geckos, owls, foxes, tigers, bears, etc.?


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