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Do You Think We Have a Problem?

“56% of Americans in 2021 have a “great deal of trust and confidence” on the military, down from 70% in 2018.

33% of Americans in 2021 have “a great deal of trust and confidence” in public health officials.

21% of Americans in 2021 have “a great deal of trust and confidence” in public educations.

10% of Americans in 2021 have “a great deal of trust and confidence” in Congress.” (Source: Ronald Reagan Institute, reported in the June 2021 issue of The American Legion magazine.)

When I read the above in my June issue of the American Legion magazine I was stunned, shocked, and greatly disturbed. As a Viet Nam era Navy veteran, the son of a long line of proud American Sunderlands who fought for our great nation I could hardly believe my eyes. These are some of the lowest levels of public confidence I can ever recall. Each of the reported stats indicate a serious condition that exists in our nation, but I’m most greatly concerned with the bottom 2 stats dealing with public education and Congress.

I’ve known for many years that our public education system has been fluidly changing, and in my opinion not for the better. How? I’ve helped raise 5 kids of my own, adopted a 6th and have been actively involved in their education. (Teachers: please note I am not blaming or attacking you. I am blaming and attacking the “system.”) The curriculum in our public schools has been dramatically changed during the last 30 to 40 years.

In too many schools American and world history has been either condensed to a few pages, or entirely eliminated. Without this information, presented in a non-biased manor, a significant percentage of our children have been literally brainwashed into believing America is a bad, racist, nasty country.

For the most part, students are taught modern job skills, such as operating a computer, etc. Very little attention has been given to enabling them to think and analyze information on their own. They have been programmed to act and think according to the liberal/socialistic mindset. In more and more cities and states, these young people have been brainwashed into believing that the world owes them a living. Nothing could be further from the truth. No one, male or female, young or old, is owed anything that they did not earn.

American and world history has either been dropped completely or been so distorted that it bears little resemblance to what really happened. Today’s youth have little or no understanding of why our nation was founded, nor the truth behind such things as the Declaration of Independence, or our nation’s Constitution. Without that they have come to believe that the federal government controls their lives and that they are owed a living. Parents please get a copy of these documents and read them to yourselves and your children and explain to them what they mean. These documents are vital to our individual freedoms.

Parents, we must reverse the stat that only 21% of Americans in 2021 have “a great deal of trust and confidence” in public education, and it must be done quickly. Become an active monitor of your children’s education. Their future is at stake.

Now to address the fourth listed statistic, that 10% of us have a great deal of trust in Congress. Voting has consequences. Too many of us have become complacent in recent decades and either don’t vote or don’t pay attention to who we vote for. If you do not vote, you have no one to blame but yourself for the lousy government we have today in far too many places (especially in our national government). Also, you must become an informed voter. Just because a candidate is from a certain political party does not mean that individual is the right one for the job.

Do your research before you vote. Find out what the candidate(s) really believe and what actions they will support. If you cannot pin the candidate down to making a solid statement of what he or she believes and will do, then I suggest you do not vote for them. And do not base your vote on how the national news media presents candidates! For the most part, they have their own liberal, left wing agenda. Check and double check to make sure the candidate you vote for supports the same ideals that you have.

Anyone who is already in office must have their feet held to the fire (so-to-speak). They made promises. Make them keep those promises or else vote them out of office. Too many of our Senators and Representative in Congress are being paid off and rewarded by international corporations. Too many times our freedom of speech has been choked off by the Titans of the Internet. In extreme circumstances use the recall procedures that are part of our legal political system. And in any event do not vote them back into office again and again – once is more than enough.

I don’t want to be a fear monger but someone has to sound the alarm. It is not too late to change the disastrous heading America has taken in the last few years. We must act now before it really is too late. We must do this for the sake of our children and their futures.


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