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20 Years Later

On September 11, 2001, the United States of America was changed forever. The world watched and held its breath as terrorists attacked our nation. In New York City, Pennsylvania, and at the Pentagon, Americans lost their lives at the hands of ruthlessness. While we commemorate that terrible day annually, it is receiving special attention this year, on its twentieth anniversary.

As we honor the victims of one of the worst days in American history, we continue to pray for their families, and we also remember that on our darkest day, the greatness of America was illuminated for the world to see. In disturbance we found unity, in fear we found courage, and in grief we found hope. The coming together of one nation, as one people, in a time of despair resulted in a true sense of community. For the first time in most of our lifetimes, our differences did not matter, as we were bonded in tragedy. In the midst of such horror, the strength of America was evident to a grieving world. It was a togetherness I had never seen before, and I have not seen anything like it since.

While time has helped our nation heal, the wounds of September 11th and the actions our country has taken since this tragic day were reopened last month. President Biden’s removal of American troops from Afghanistan was a clear intelligence failure that led to Taliban reign over Kabul, and thirteen U.S. servicemembers losing their lives. The events following our troop withdrawal from Afghanistan are unacceptable and disheartening to say the least.

As we reflect on the significance of the 20th anniversary of September 11th, we must never forget our heroes from that day- our firefighters, first responders, and law enforcement. May we always remember the nearly 3,000 innocent lives lost, their loved ones, and the men and women in uniform who continue to fight for our freedom. As the years continue to pass, the heroism shown by so many Americans that day will live on forever.

We must continue to fight terrorism around the world, and we must do everything in our power to prevent such horrific attacks in the future. May we remind each new generation of the events that occurred twenty years ago, and make sure the world never forgets what it means to be the United States of America.

God bless the families of those we lost that day. God bless America.


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