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Reaching for the Star

Before we leave the wonder of Christmas behind us for another year, I’d like us to think one more time about the Wise Men who followed the star to the Christ-child.  

An early leader of the Christian church, Pope Leo the Great, once wrote this, “A star with new brilliance appeared to wise men from the east that was brighter and more beautiful than others, attracting the eyes and hearts of those looking on. 

The determination of the Magi to follow the lead of this heavenly light expressed a willingness to be led by the splendor of grace to knowledge of the truth. 

In this way, they adore the Word made flesh, wisdom in infancy, strength in weakness, and the Lord of majesty in the reality of a man.  Similarly, so should we raise our hearts to the shining beauty of eternal light, revere the mysteries devoted to human salvation, and put our energy into all that has been done on our behalf.”   

We should follow the star – we should raise our hearts to the eternal light!  So, we remember the Magi – we remember their gifts – and we remember the star they followed.  These wise men teach us what it really means to be a disciple of Jesus: When we see His star – we should FOLLOW!  There is room there at the manger for all of us.  When we see His star – we should RESPOND!  Worship at the feet of Jesus with great joy.  When we see His star – we should GIVE!  Bring all the extravagance and generosity you can muster.  

As we enter a new year, let’s enter it with our heads UP and our eyes OPEN!  Let’s enter the New Year by looking for the star of Jesus!  But listen – we will never see the star if we spend our lives with our eyes down-cast and focused on our plodding feet as we drag ourselves thru the muck and the mire and the drudgery of every-day life.  

We will never see the star if our heads are hung low in sadness and despair.  We will never see the star if our shoulders are sagging from the burdens of worry and care.  

Life wears at us – and sometimes it shows up physically in our lives by the way we carry ourselves!  The worries of life show up in lethargy, apathy, indifference, stooped shoulders, down-cast eyes, and sad faces.  It shows up in how we continue to follow old, bad habits – in how we have no spark in our heart – no snap in our step.  

The wisdom of the Magi tells us to keep our eyes on the star.  Follow wherever that star may lead you.  

Worship with great joy.  Bring with you gifts fit only for a king!  

Happy New Year, my friends!  May your hearts and lives be filled with longing and wonder and great expectation as you follow the star in search of the Christ-Child!


Pastor Corey Jenkins

Sidney 1st United Methodist Church


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