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Delta Dawn When the Light Comes On

Week 21

Father God, the Great I AM, wanted a Family. He began preparations in Genesis 1:1.  His Helper, Holy Spirit, verse 2, hovered over Home Base. (Holy Spirit is the ‘Mother’ side of God, the Contractor Who Performs God’s Word).

Verse 3. Jehovah and Holy Spirit introduce the Light of the World, Their Son. “This is My Beloved Son in Whom I am well pleased, hear Him!” Matthew 3:17; 17:5 Six exciting days follow! Verse 4, we find Light and Darkness. Light is when we understand. Darkness is what we don’t know. As different as day and night.

Verses 6-8. Adonai (Sovereign Lord) separates the atmosphere of Heaven from that of Earth, the only planet not named after a Greek god.  Verses 9-13, He separates oceans from dry land and commands the land to bring forth grass, herbs and fruit trees that have seed within them, after their own kind. Perhaps you’ve noticed tomato seeds produce tomatoes.

Verses 14-19, Elohim (Creator) flings the stars into space and sets the moon (a type of the Son) to reflect the Sun, representing Elohim Chayim the Living God. Together, a Heavenly Host of signs which help us keep seasons, days and years (time). Next, He creates fish, birds, flocks and herds and blesses them: “Be fruitful and multiply, bring forth every living thing according to its kind and keep the earth full and complete.”

The moment arrives when Yahweh (I AM) flashes twinkling eyes around the Board Room of Heaven and says Verse 26: “Let Us make Man in Our image, with Our likeness (character). Let them (male and female) be speaking spirits like Us having dominion over [the works of Our Hands]”. Then, He blesses them, ”Be fruitful, multiply, fill up the earth and subdue (take command over it). I have given you seed after its kind (symbolic of order), [therefore take] dominion.”

A sharp intake of breath is heard! Astonished Angels ask, “How did You think this up?  Wat is Man?” Psalm 8:4-8. NOTE: Hebrew for the word translated ‘angels’ in verse 5 is ‘Elohim’. Day 7, the Sabbath sets precedence for a peace-filled rest for all creation.  Lucifer casts an indignant eye, plotting how to steal Home Base.

Day 8, as Adam names all the animals, it is discovered he has no helpmeet (counterpart) as do lions, tigers and bears. Even Elohim’s Helpmeet is Holy Spirit! So, God puts Adam into a deep sleep (coma) and creates Eve.

What miraculous surgery! Eve’s DNA has to reflect Him and yet be different from Adam’s. Yahweh precisely moves the womb to receive, and grow, God’s seed (sperm) left within Adam. God declares this “Very good” and sends His human children to guard, manage and keep His perfect Garden.

El De’ot (God of Knowledge) comes, then, to teach and fellowship with them, in the cool of each day. El Channun (Gracious God) hugged Adam and Eve to Himself, blessed Children of His never failing Love.

Next week: Slow Pitch.


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