Serving proudly since 1873 as the beautiful Nebraska Panhandle's first newspaper

Letter To The Editor

To the Sidney Sun-Telegraph,

I just want to say how much I truly enjoy the turnaround of the paper. It is like a completely different paper! The front page is so cheerful and more than one time your headlines have made me chuckle because it is obvious you are trying to get a smile out of us and it works. The paper is not only easier to read, it is once again worth reading. I will admit that I quit subscribing over a year ago because the paper was just depressing. It seemed like there was someone’s opinion on every page trying to get one message or another across, but no real local news. Some of them were just depressing and every other week was discussing death and it was enough to make me stop reading the paper because it was always such a downer, not inspirational or whatever they were going for. A few weeks back I asked a friend about the

new liquor store and what did she know about it and she tossed me the paper. A front page story was about them and the headline made me laugh, and then I actually enjoyed the article. I read that paper front page to back. For the first time in a very long time. And then the next week I did the same and then again. I guess it is time for me to get another subscription.

It seems it is a new trend that people only speak out when they are complaining, and that is a shame. So I am speaking out with a compliment. The new paper is great, I enjoy reading it again, and you have won one more reader back into your folds!

~ Stephanie Miller, Sidney


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