"Certain Greeks came up to the feast and said to Phillip, "'Sir, we would see Jesus.' [When Jesus was told] He said, 'Most assuredly I say to you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the ground and dies, when it dies it produces much grain ... For this purpose, I have come to this hour.'" John 12:21-24. Father announces a resurrection, a glorifying of Jesus, a harvest on Heaven's Faith Seed, bringing many sons to Glory. Hebrews 2:9, 10. Father's Voice was heard as thunder!
Jesus' death on the cross was holy, precious Seed sown by God, Himself!! John 3:16, 17.
Winter wheat farmers know this principle. They sow wheat seed in September, as the former rains come. After it first springs up. it lays 'dead' under the covering of snow, where it begins to propagate new plants. Spring's warm sun beckons the propagated plants upward, "First the blade, then the ear, then the full grain in the ear." Mark 4:24-29 A certain time for harvest comes. Man puts in his sickle!
Jesus draws for us, a vivid picture of the Church, hidden under the secure cover of His Blood, growing in numbers, to rejoice in the bright light of His resurrection. So Blood covered, Man is freed from fear of torment, but is nurtured by the fear (honor, respect in exalting) Hashem, Jehovah. We, His offspring, can then, freely and cheerfully, extend our services and financial increase into His Kingdom and the marketplace, for we are blessed by Him, to be a blessing Genesis 12:1-3.
Father has ordained tithing, giving, alms and seed sowing. "Seek first, the Kingdom of God and His Righteousness so that all things [needed] will be added unto you." What a promise! From the beginning, Father's law of increase is founded in giving and receiving, sowing and reaping! Jesus asked Father (John 14:16) to send Holy Spirit as His investment into us, prospering our finances and health as our souls prosper [gain understanding of Kingdom Authority] III John 2
Financial seeds, sown in faith, produce a debt-free, care free, torment free lifestyle for whosoever will. Just believe the Bible when it says, "Bring all the tithes into the storehouse (Kingdom) that there may be food in My house. Assuredly, I will open the windows of Heaven and pour out such a blessing that you will not be able to contain [it all] AND I will rebuke the devourer (devil), for your sake, so that he will not destroy [your seed sown, but it will come to the fullness of harvest, just as it was created to flourish, grow and become]." Malachi 3:8-12; 16, 17
Tithing is always to Him first because He spends it on you! Give it where you are spiritually fed according to Luke 4:18. Be consistent, for the powerful tither's right is designed to overcome the world! Psalm 103: "Bless the Lord, O, my soul and all that is within me! Bless His Holy Name. Bless the Lord [my thoughts, will and emotions) and forget not all His benefits, Who heals all my diseases and redeems my soul from destruction ..." Next Week: Voice Activated.
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