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Delta Dawn When the Light Comes On: Week 41

"You shall remember the Lord your God for it is He Who gives your hands the power to get wealth that He may establish His covenant which He swore to your fathers (Abraham, Isaac and Jacob)." Deuteronomy 8:18

Covenant is a compact between two people that has blessings – and curses, if the covenant is broken. You may notice a Certificate of Deposit blesses with interest until the CD matures. Cashing in early, has a charge.

When we believe on Jesus that covenant gives us tither's rights in Isaiah 53, Psalm 103 and Malachi 3.:11, 12 Friends, when the devil shows up, tithers have authority over every evil effort. 

Our choices and voices, will overcome evil with good, The urgent message is "Choose Life!" Deuteronomy 27  

When a horrible fire broke out in Texas. Frank's niece called her mother in North Dakota. She and her husband had just moved into their dream home with their 3 young boys. They were asked to evacuate. Her mom called us. This was out of our physical jurisdiction, but God said, "Bring her under your covenant with Me and I will impart it all to her." So, I did!

Several weeks later we called Frank's sister. "Oh," she reported, "The wind changed and went around the entire neighborhood." Tither's rights at work! "And I will rebuke the devourer for your sake." Malachi 3:11.!

"The weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds, casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God". 2 Corinthians 10:3-6 

In Current Events: Hamas, a terrorist organization, has attacked Israel, murdering and looting wherever they can. This attack came on God's holy day of Sabbath, following Yom Kippur (Day of Forgiveness-Atonement) and Feast of Tabernacles, a time of joy, being brought out of slavery and bondage in Egypt. Covenant with God was broken Galatians 6:7: "God is not mocked!" The majority of Jewish people do not receive Jesus as Messiah, so they are aliens from the promises of God, as some of us were. Jeremiah 31:31-34; Hebrews 8:8-12 is under way, now, in this time.

Christians, since we have a secure covenant, with better promises by Jesus' Blood and Authority, we can pray Ephesians 1:14-3:21 and bring them under our Covenant! Resolve to bring a family, a soldier, a peace officer, a priest, a businessman and a government official under your tithing and giving covenant. Stand fast on these prophetic words until Israel comes through with the victory Father has promised her, by the Blood in Jesus' Name. 

Be wary of scam artists. Authentic helpers in this crisis will not call you, so you must call them: Christians United for Israel, John Hagee,; Eagle Mountain International Church, George and Terry Pearsons,; Samaritan's Purse, Franklin Graham, Memo note: "For Israel". Every amount will be rejoiced over, blessed and great glory will be given to God. 2 Corinthians 9:6-11

Next Week: Father's Answer.


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