Serving proudly since 1873 as the beautiful Nebraska Panhandle's first newspaper

Articles from the January 18, 2017 edition

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  • WNCC rolls out new agricultural program

    Dan Fox|Jan 18, 2017

    In response to demand for job-ready workers in the agricultural field, Western Nebraska Community College will roll out a new Applied Agriculture Technologies program in the fall semester. Jason Stratman, WNCC dean of instruction and workforce development, said in recent years the college started seeing a need for practical, “hands-on” training in the area. In WNCC’s proposal to the state, in which the need for the program was outlined, data collected by Economic Modeling Specialists, Inc. indicated 68 annual job openings in the agricultural fi...

  • Auditions to be held for upcoming Missoula Children's Theatre

    Amanda Tafolla-Sutton|Jan 18, 2017

    High Plains Art Council (HPAC) will be holding auditions for the Missoula Children’s Theatre (MCT) production of Rumpelstiltskin. The Montana-based MCT was founded four decades ago. The organization tours throughout the county and the world to help stage performances in small communities. The MCT will be in Sidney for a week as part of it’s international touring project, and is presented to the community by HPAC. Touring productions come complete with costumes, scenery, props and makeup. This year MTC will be presenting Rumpelstiltskin, the...

  • SPNRD Holds Board Officer Elections

    Jan 18, 2017

    The South Platte Natural Resources District (District) elected its officers for 2017 at the January board (Board) meeting. Elected Chair was Bill Halligan with Tim Maas elected Vice-Chair; Jim Johnson was elected as Secretary. Keith Rexroth, former Board Chair and a member of the Board for 24 years resigned from the Board due to health reasons. The District is looking to fill Rexroth's vacancy for Subdistrict #5 which covers roughly the area east of Highway 19 and south of Highway 30 between...

  • Bayard free throws sink Creek Valley

    Don Ogle|Jan 18, 2017

    Bayard's Lady Tigers went 7-for-10 from the free throw line and added one field goal, while Creek Valley couldn't part the net in overtime, giving Bayard an upset win over the fourth seed Lady Storm. The teams squared off as one of four scheduled first round games to kick off the girls side of the MAC Tournament Monday. Pressure defense was the norm for nearly the entire contest, with only a handful of trips down the court by either team going unchallenged. Over time the physical game took its...

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