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A Gift of Independence

She's one of those people who enjoys her job, has a smile that can change a day, and she recently learned, has a circle of friends who watch out for her.

She also has had a desire to be more independent. While some of us fantasize about a sports car with the latest bells and whistles, or a trendy electric pickup truck, she just wanted a bicycle. But not just any bike. She wanted an e-bike. She has a friend with one and became excited with the prospect of commuting by herself.

“She would like to be more independent,” said her employment consultant Robin McCoy. “When she got to ride her friend's bike, she fell in love with having one herself.”

Aislinn Sinks just reached her ninth anniversary working at Safeway.

“She got her job after I became an employment consultant,” McCoy said.

Sinks was presented her new transportation at Pedaler's Corner bicycle shop in Sidney. The electric bicycle was funded with the assistance of Sinks' friends and co-workers who donated toward the cost. It took about three weeks to raise the money to purchase the bike, including the assistance from Pedaler's Corner.

The impact was as expected: overwhelmed by the gift, and the sense of freedom and support of friends.


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