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Delta Dawn When the Light Comes On: Week 49

"Write the vision and make it plain upon tables, that he who reads it may run with it," Habakkuk 2:2. Christmas cards create a vision. Notice, the Babe is in a manger of hay, Mary and Joseph are reverent and attentive. The shepherds, lambs and cattle are quiet in the barn. The star shines. Three kings, who came from afar, present little boxes of gold, frankincense and myrrh. And, we assume, because of the vision we see, all this took place in the little town of Bethlehem. Not quite! Artists crowded everything into one pleasant picture, but Jesus' advent event was many spectacles of God's great goodness.

It's true. The stars were especially bright over Bethlehem when they sang as the Angel proclaimed, "Do not be afraid, for I bring you good tidings of great joy which will be to all people! Today, a Son is born to you, in the City of David, a Savior Who is Christ (Messiah) the Lord.' And suddenly there was with the Angel, a multitude of the Heavenly Host (angels and stars) praising God and saying 'Glory to God in the Highest! Peace on earth, good will toward men!'. Luke 2; 10-14. The Old Testament covenant meets the New Covenant Promise at this moment in time!

Shepherds were first to see God's Love as they watched their flocks through the night. These were the ewes and their little lambs that would be used for sacrifices at the Temple in nearby Jerusalem as the celebration of Sukkot (Feast of Tabernacles) was celebrated by the Jewish people under Herod's reign in Israel. He had been crafty enough to plan his census, and taxation, of the people at a time when they would normally gather every year. This year was different.

After centuries of watching and preparing, it was time for Magi, the astrologers, to bring the wealth of Babylon to the newborn King of the Jews. They had seen the conjunction of stars prophesied of by Balaam (Numbers 24:17) and impressed on the minds of countless Magi by the head Magi, Daniel, the prophet. When the caravan arrived, Herod was troubled and all Jerusalem with him. People knew his fierce protection of the kingship. He questioned the Magi and the priests. Micah 5:2 directed them to Bethlehem. The Star re-appeared to lead the Magi north to Nazareth, where they found the toddler, Jesus, with Mary and Joseph.

When the Magi did not return as commanded, Herod went on a 'newborn king hunt' in Bethlehem, killing children under the age of two. God warned Joseph in a dream to flee. Taking back roads into Egypt, the Family was in hiding, there, until Herod died.

"That it might be fulfilled, which was spoken by the Lord through the prophet, Hosea (11:1) 'Out of Egypt I have called My Son'." Matthew 2:15

This amazing and exciting story comes alive in "Christmas, The Rest of The Story", a well-researched documentary on miraculous happenings as Jesus drew the line between A.D. and B.C. I recommend both the book and the video Rick Renner produced. Merry Christmas!

Next Week: Name of Names.


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